Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Rotaract  / RCJC Holds Model Un

RCJC Holds Model Un

RCJC Model United Nations 2020 (RCJC MUN 2020) was a flagship project organised by the Rotaract Club of Jai Hind College on December 19 and 20, 2020.

RCJC MUN 2020 had four committees:

  1. All India Political Parties Meet to discuss the New Education Policy, 2020.
  2. Disarmament and International Security to discuss Overseas Military Bases and Weaponisation of Social Media.
  3. United Nations Human Rights Committee to discuss human rights violations in the Middle-East and North African Region.
  4. World Health Organisation to discuss Reform of the International Monetary System: Promoting Growth and Stability.

Debates were conducted over Zoom for two days. A stand-up comedy act entertained them on day one from 7 pm onwards. Awards for the best delegates for each committee were presented on day two. Participants expressed gratitude over learning debate skills, thinking about the betterment of the world and also teamwork. They were grateful to be part of a project that helped them build their leadership and communication skills so well.