Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Ananda Yaan  / REACHING OUT TO THE ELDERLY


Birthday celebration with a difference Anvita Seksaria, daughter of Rtn. Alok Seksaria, reached out to 80 senior
citizens on her milestone 18th birthday. Anvita meticulously planned an evening to celebrate her big day with family and elders at Ananda Yaan.

The evening started with the Byculla members of Ananda Yaan giving the birthday girl a traditional welcome. The
hall was decorated with kites that the elders had made and personalised for Anvita.

Anvita arranged devotional music and a spiritual talk for Anand Yaan members and sang along with them, invoking blessings from both god and the elders. She cut the cake with another member celebrating her birthday. Everyone thanked her for arranging music, food, chaat and kulfi stalls. She gave steel boxes and bottles to all her new

Anvita will cherish these memories for many years; we hope all are equally inspired to celebrate their landmark days
with those less privileged than them.