Rotary Club of Bombay


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Rotaract Chronicles

The Rotaract Club of Jai Hind College’s legacy project ‘Pawsitive Light’, was an initiative to relieve the hunger and thirst of stray animals. It was implemented on August 4th, 2021. The team encouraged members to feed as many stray animals as possible. All participants were asked to feed at least one stray animal each. They were advised to carry rice, biscuits, milk, dog food to feed the animals in their area.

The Community Service team of the Rotaract Club of Jai Hind College is working on the legacy project Palat-tae Panne. It works to spread education by asking people to donate books for those who need them. Books were collected from people in the Club as well as outside the Club. The main idea was for students to read and learn. The team collected books of all grades and enough notebooks for practice and study. Novels, moral stories, basic Hindi and English books were also donated. The books were donated to the orphans of Aarna Foundation. Aarna Foundation is an orphanage
with 25-30 kids located in Thane, Maharashtra. Adhering to Covid guidelines, the team Community Service went to donate the books to the office of the foundation. A total of 165 books were donated.