Rotary Club of Bombay


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Rotaract Committee – Echo Award Report

On Monday March 12, 2018 the Rotaract Club of Lala’s College felicitated and inducted into their “Hall of Fame” RCB’s Rotaract Committee Project ‘Echo’

Echo was first started in 2015 and is an initiative to bridge the gap between the private and public sectors of education. It is the dream to see a day when no child is deprived of his/her right to quality education and in turn a prosperous future.

An initiative which brings together municipal school students who have just completed their SSC examination with our Rotaractors, Echo is a week long program which imbibes in our participating students, the skills they need to be successful in college. They are taught everything from how to fill out their college submission forms, how to make friends with children from vastly different backgrounds, builds their confidence to speak with the college professors, how to read a college time table and a handful of other skills which allow them to stay in college. The idea is that they do not get overwhelmed and drop out. Other topics that are covered include sex education, gender sensitization, finance, banking, team work and lateral thinking. The friendships they form with the Rotaractors across a dozen or so different colleges across Mumbai city also equips them with an instant social group who is committed to their success.

Our Rotaractors mentor and stay with their participants for two years post Echo to ensure successful completion of their HSC examination. Rotaractors too see huge growth changes through their participation in Echo. It is an intense one week, that diametrically changes both sides of India; the public and private.

Echo 2018 is slated to take place from Wednesday April 4 – Saturday April 7 at ISME

The finale is scheduled for Sunday April 8th at the KC College Auditorium

Our Rotaract Committee invites you to please come meet and interact with the participants and our Rotaractors!