Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Ajit Deshpande Medical Centre  / Rotary Club Of Bombay Heads To Talwada

Rotary Club Of Bombay Heads To Talwada

Twenty years ago, when Ajit Deshpande Medical Center (ADMC) opened its doors no one expected that some day one of Rotary Club of Bombay’s Kohinoor projects would serve upwards of 24,000 patients annually and completely free in the areas of dermatology, tuberculosis, dental care and more. What began with the Sonu Nigam fundraiser show last year thanks to Rtn. Tara Deshpande, culminated in three new projects at ADMC on Sunday, February 2, 2020, all conceptualised by Rtn. Tara whose determination and dedication resulted in giving a fresh look to ADMC which Rotary
Club of Bombay will always be proud of.

After a fun-filled fellowship the previous night at Silent Hills Resort, members arrived at the green and spacious grounds of RCB’s charitable clinic to the sight of a newly-designed Warliinspired logo emblazoned on the front of the building. We were greeted by our doctors in their new coats and badges all ably organised by Rotary’s Vrushali.

Large groups of children had lined up outside – after all RCB was going to inaugurate the first playground some of them had ever seen. While RCB aims to provide underprivileged communities with health and education we also want to spread joy. And the sight of a delighted child soaring up on a swing and down a slide, the sound of giggles and squeals of laughter that filled the air on this sun drenched afternoon made all the hard work and effort put in by Team ADMC so worth it.

Led by President Preeti Mehta whose unflagging support of rural projects that care for people who are forgotten by both government and private institutions, marginal farmers, adivasis and casual labour, can be seen not only at Gumbadpada but also here in Talwada.

PP Ramesh Narayan, the man, the magician who makes things happen so effortlessly and whose genuine concern for the marginalised has motivated the entire team even when things looked impossible, busied himself thanking the long serving staff of ADMC. Our peons Ramesh and Vijay who have worked quietly for over 18 years to keep the centre going and the indefatigable Dr. Ashwini Bhusara who played a big hand in launching our new Well Baby Clinic is laudable.

Then we checked on the new television installed in the OPD, courtesy Rtn Ashok Jatia. “Is Discovery playing?” He inquired. The kids were too glued to the cartoons on the screen to reply but I guess this is the answer we wanted anyway. “Give them a distraction from their pain and make the visit to the doctor one they look forward to,” PP Ramesh had said when he requested Ms. Megha Tata to donate a free connection.

PE Framroze Mehta inspected the premises whilst interacting with the resident staff, while others watched the Bharat Taparia laboratory in action with more than three dozen patients waiting in line. Rotarians enjoyed a look at the lovely photos donated by PP (Dr.) Mukesh Batra and PP Ramesh Narayan and then made their way to the newly-painted and decorated Well Baby Clinic managed by Dr. Bijoy Apte. The new clinic will provide care and counselling to women with newborns. Nutritional information, new born hampers containing food, blankets and towels generously donated by Rotarians Naresh Jain and Mohit Jain will be the first of its kind centre in this area. Thanks to Rtn. Arin Master, Cipla will donate important medicines to ADMC and we hope in the future to raise funds for a full scale urology department and a weekly visit from a dermatologist.

PN Shernaz Vakil then took a look at the brand new digital X-ray machine donated by Shri Homi Bhabha and finally our President was taken through the traditional rites of passage at ADMC – an imaginary tooth extraction by (faux Dr.) PE Framroze Mehta!

After inaugurating these two projects our group moved up to the newly-refurbished rooftop, a labour of love by Rtn Ashok Jatia who made half a dozen trips to the centre and personally supervised the construction that has made a once leaky terrace, a useable space for health workshops and vocational training. Our team enjoyed some light snacks and tea while gazing at the tree-filled view from above. True to tradition Rtn. Tara played host and along with PP Rumi
tickled our savoury glands with mouth-watering snacks.

We then proceeded to take a look at Taparia Junior college making a list of what needs to be done there. We ended our tour at PRVEC that is now celebrating over 40 years of community service. Our Club continues to be inspired by the selfless work of legends PP (Dr.) Rahim Muljiani and PP (Dr.) Rumi Jehangir who epitomise what a good Rotarian should be. We were welcomed into the eye centre by Dr. Anil Deshpande and thereafter served a fantastic lunch made by the
local ladies.

It was a trip that reminded all of us of what makes RCB so strong – generosity of our donors, determination of our Rotarians and the amazing power that comes from trust and team work.