Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Yoga  / Rotary District 3141 offers Mediation

Rotary District 3141 offers Mediation

Our Rotary District 3141 has, for the first time, launched a Mediation Programme as part of Vocational Service, led by experienced Rotary professionals including advocates and chartered accountants. Our thanks to DG Rajendra Aggarwal for his approval and encouragement and PDG Raju Subramanian for being our advisor. The names of the Rotary Mediation Committee are available in the District Directory of R.Y. 2021-22.

Mediation is a preferred Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism practiced worldwide. It is useful in resolving disputes whether between big or small companies, family businesses, friends and/ or family members, etc. It is a structured, voluntary, and interactive negotiation process where a neutral third-party uses specialised communication and negotiation techniques to help the disputing parties fulfill their stated objectives.

The role of the Mediator is to assist participants who have some measure of disagreement to reach sufficient degree of agreement. The Mediator’s ultimate role is to do anything and everything necessary to assist parties to reach an agreement. He/She plays the role of: educator, communication facilitator, translator, questioner and clarifier, process advisor.

Mediation is a better, speedier and more lucrative alternative to the court system. Greater degree of control is vested with parties themselves and results in the settling of related and connected issues and disputes. It is less expensive when contrasted against the expense of litigation. It is speedy and efficient. Mediation often provides a more timely way of resolving disputes. And, it remains strictly confidential between the parties involved and the Mediator.

The Mediation Programme’s aim, besides being good for the community in general, is to help District 3141 in revenue generation for The Rotary Foundation. About 75% of the Mediation Fee collected will be given to the TRF.

Every assignment will be conducted on the basis of The Rotary Four Way Test. The Mediation Committee will appoint qualified Rotarian professionals (Advocate/ CA) from various Rotary Clubs on the basis of seniority / experience, area of practice and experience, geographical location /office setup with availability of conference room, availability of time, success rate of person interested to be Mediator, number of pendency matters.

We request Rotarians to suggest to their friends, relatives, and business associates to refer their disputes to the
Rotary Mediation Committee instead of going to court so that their disputes can be settled by Mediation speedily and with far less expense.