Rotary Club of Bombay


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Rotary Youth Exchange Program Update

Vedant Chandrakant Kadam an alumni of Bhavishya Yaan from NM Joshi School, Topper of SSC batch 20015/16 and now studying to become an Electrical Engineer has taken off to Brazil as a Rotary exchange student.

Vedant left on 18th September, 2018 and will return on the 12th of October, 2018.

This was a great, novel Idea that was conceived by IPP Ramesh Narayan last year to provide this once in a life time opportunity to an underprivileged student. This came to fruition with the wholehearted support and encouragement of President Vijay Jatia, who so thoughtfully wrote to the host family in Brazil.

A big thank you to all the Rotarians like Homi Katgara, Peter Born and his wife Erika Born, Ashok Jatia and Gul Kripalani for facilitating the entire process.

A huge shout out to all the district officials of District 3141, appreciate all the efforts put in coordinating with their counterparts in Brazil. As well as, to Kamlesh and his team from the District Office for coordinating with the Rotary District at Brazil. A huge and special appreciation for the dedication and hard work of R/Anne Jaya Prasad without whose tenacity and dogged follow up this simply wouldn’t have been possible.