Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Child Welfare Committee  / Salaam Baalak Says Thank You!

Salaam Baalak Says Thank You!

Rotary Club of Bombay’s Child Welfare Committee supports nutrition for street children of NGO Salaam Baalak Trust. They have sent a thank you note to RCB:

Salaam Baalak Trust provides holistic development support to street and homeless children. Our Charni Road centre provides nutrition, education and health services to children living on the streets of Mumbai. Being on the street, the children and their families are dependent on wages, therefore it is difficult for them to have daily and continuous food support. Nutrition is a key area of focus for us at SBT.

We believe that this nurtures the children mentally and physically. Their weak economic background hinders access to nutritious food.

With the support of the Rotary Club of Bombay, SBT has been providing nutritious mid-day meals to more than 50 kids at the Charni Road Centre. This support ensures that they are physically and mentally fit to excel. Mealtime is not just about nutrition but about a sense of togetherness. Your contribution has been invaluable in helping these children not to face any disruptions in their education.
We would like to thank the Rotary Club of Bombay for organising the mid-day meal support for our children.