Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / SAYING GOODBYE TO PLASTIC


Bhavishya Yaan participates in’s Daan Utsav to voluntarily give away plastic

ROTARY CLUB OF BOMBAY’S Bhavishya Yaan students at GK Marg enthusiastically participated in’s Mumbai Plastic Recyclothon earlier this month. All the children had to do was donate plastic.

Mumbai Plastic Recyclothon is part of’s Daan Utsav celebrations from October 2 to October 8, 2018, India’s very own festival of voluntary giving.

GK Marg School registered for this project and the children collected four big cartons of plastic waste. This waste
was collected by the multinational conglomerate Pepsico on Monday. They had partnered for the initiative by offering free collection services.

Eminent sculptor Arzan Khambatta, who joined hands with the not-forprofit to support the cause, will be creating a special art installation out of the donated plastic.

Apart from the art work, a significant portion of the plastic collected will be recycled into benches to be placed
across Mumbai’s open spaces, for the use of senior citizens. Recycled plastic will also be converted into waste bins.

Led by and supported by scores of citizen groups, Operation Plastic Recyclothon is a giveback
gesture of Citizens to their City. Two years ago, over 25,000 Mumbaikars participated in Daan Utsav, beautifying
36 Railway stations of Mumbai from October 2 to October 8, making this one of the largest such selfless and
voluntary initiatives across India.