Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Swanky Computer Lab for BY NMJ Marg

Swanky Computer Lab for BY NMJ Marg

11th. April saw the inauguration of a swanky new computer lab at the Bhavishya Yaan centre for excellence at NM Joshi Marg Municipal school. Mentor Jaya Prasad had made sure the place wore a festive look. The entire renovation and supply of new computers had been done by the Indian Hume Pipe Company, courtesy Rt. Rajas Doshi.

Speaking on the occasion President Ramesh Narayan said “I learned Rajas Doshi has a keen eye and a large heart. And what happens when these combine can be seen here today.”

Jaya Prasad explained how Rtn. Rajas had not only agreed to the President’s request for 21 computers but went that extra mile to change the flooring, add window blinds, provide new chairs and even branded mouse pads.

Some BY students of NMJ Marg school spoke in perfectly fluent English on the benefits of computers in their lives and their future.

Rajas Doshi, Jyoti Doshi, Ramesh Narayan, Jaya and President Nominee Preeti Mehta lit a ceremonial lamp.

The inauguration was well attended by many representatives of the Indian Hume Pipe Co., as well as Rotarians including President Elect Vijay Jatia, Hon. Secretary Manish Reshamwala, Director Madhusudhan Daga, Chairman BY Committee Satyan Israni, S.V.Prasad, Jimmy and Avaan Vakharia, Rashmi Bafna, S.K.Mitra to name a few.