Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Sports  / Third Annual Football Event Report

Third Annual Football Event Report

Early on the morning of Sunday 4th February 2018, 13 eager Rotarians assembled at the NSCI (venue organised courtesy Satyan Israni) for the Third Annual Rotary Football games and fellowship. Also joining the fun were the kids Tannu, Kajal, Anjali, Satyam, Raja, and Vritika Sampat (daughter of Mehul Sampat).

18-03-06-2-2Moy, our ever-enthusiastic Co-Chairman, was among the first to arrive but we were denied the chance to see his famous goalkeeping skills, as he joined PP Nowroze Vazifdar, Rtn. Freyaz Shroff and Rtn. Zeenia Master in choosing to shout encouragement from the sidelines rather than play.

After a group photograph, the first match commenced: This was Raj Ajmera’s team consisting of Mudit Jatia, Satyan Israni, Mehul Sampat, Vritika Sampat, Kajal, Satyam and Anjali vs. Jamshyd Vazifdar’s team consisting of Anuj Arenja, Mahesh Khubchandani, Hursh Meghani, Vivek Himatsingka, Tannu and Raja. Three more matches followed the inaugural match, and they were played out with great camaraderie. A number of controversial goals were scored in each match, but everyone was a winner as it was a thoroughly enjoyable morning.

At the end, trophies were presented by Co-Chairman Moy to Vritika Sampat & Anjali, and this was followed by a quick fellowship. The Sports Committee would like to thank all those who attended, for making the event a memorable success.