Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Training Children

Training Children

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Maimonides

Rtn. Vineet Bhatnagar (MD, PhillipCapital India) began PhillipCapital’s association with RCB’s Bhavisha Yaan (G.K. Marg School). He inspired others in the company to play a role in BY’s growth. The aim was to give underprivileged children an equal chance at education and help students in allround academics so that they could integrate with kids from private schools. Kishor Malpani (AVP – Finance , PhillipCapital), said, “A good education system skillfully prepares young children for life. We want them to be ready for the real world so that they can hold highend jobs at multinational companies at some stage and not work at the lower end of the spectrum.”

Towards this, Phillip Capital (India) began corporate training for BY children to equip them to integrate with mainstream society. In order to open their minds and reignite their passion for on-the-job learning, they are given opportunities to work in a corporate environment that is exactly the same as for all other employees at Phillip Capital (India). These children are mentored and supervised by well-qualified departmental heads. “We are delighted to see that these children have shown commitment and skill to bring value to the work that they have been assigned with us,” added Mr. Kishor.