Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 58 No. 12 • September 27, 2016

Vol. 58 No. 12 • September 27, 2016

Even the rain gods couldn’t dampen the spirit of Rotarians who gathered at the Darbar hall of the Asiatic Society last week. It was a proud moment for our Rotarians at the inauguration of the conservation lab.

The Darbar hall in all its grandeur was an apt venue for the excellent talk by Magsaysay Awardee, Mr. P. Sainath. The diversity of rural India in terms of regions, languages, and skills was an eye opener. The amazing work that he has done by recording different languages and people of rural India is really commendable. As also hearing him reinforce our thought that as a society we ought to work towards keeping our cultural heritage alive.

Well done Ritu, Huzaifa, Anar, Mudit and all the generous hosts and members of the Fellowship committee for a fabulous Bohri Night!