Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 58 No. 13 • October 4, 2016

Vol. 58 No. 13 • October 4, 2016

I t was great to see a large number of Rotarians turn up for the annual Table Tennis Tournament held at the YMCA, last Sunday. It was an exciting morning with lots of fellowship. Kudos to Jamshyd, Moy, Sanjiv and the Sports Committee for a well-organized event!

It was a pleasure to receive Dr. Philip J. Silvers from Arizona, USA as our special guest. Timing it well with the World Heart Day, Dr. Aashish Contractor gave us a very helpful talk on how to prevent heart ailments. With it, I’m sure that we will have more healthy Rotarians in our Club.

Thank you Satyan for hosting a well-received mini fellowship.

The In Camera fellowship on hair at Dr. Akshay Batra’s residence was a great success. I would like to extend thanks to Farah and Akshay for their hospitality, and congratulations to Rekha for yet another successful event. I am sure, many more Rotarians will have their hair on their head.

Our Club is now gearing up for the Diabetes Checkup Camps on the 9th October. We would appreciate if more Rotarians could volunteer as help is required on ground.