Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 58 No. 22 • December 20, 2016

Vol. 58 No. 22 • December 20, 2016

Education maketh a man. As the world’s largest democracy this is an area that is of great importance to us. However statistics show that a quarter of the country can’t even read and write their own names. A 2015 UNESCO report said that in terms of absolute numbers, India – with 28.7 crore illiterates – was the country with the largest number of adults without basic literacy skills. Even when students enrol in schools, the ability to ensure they complete schooling is still developing. An average of 326 out of 1,000 students in rural areas are dropping out, while the same is 383 per 1,000 in urban areas. Literacy is a key for socio-economic progress and in India we are well below the world average literacy rate of 84%.

To support the country’s need in this crucial area, RCB spends almost 60% of its money on education related initiatives. In addition to the Bhavishya Yaan programme running in five municipal schools in the city, RCB in association with YMCA provides books, an evening snack and a tutor at night study centres that have teachers who can help students.

RCB also gives scholarships to girl students of night study centres and physically challenged students amongst others.

Through our multi-faceted interventions, RCB is enriching lives and ensuring a prosperous future of the nation and inculcating the spirit of global citizenship.