Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 58 No. 24 • January 03, 2017

Vol. 58 No. 24 • January 03, 2017

As we think about our resolutions for 2017, people usually focus on unfinished agendas and new milestones to accomplish. Sadly many resolutions tend to be truisms which get repeated from one new year to another but are forgotten just as soon. However, there are some resolutions that Rotarians should consider for implementation in 2017.

1. Time: Take out time from their busy schedules to serve humanity.

2. Treasure: Donate some money.

3. Talent: Use our talents for the betterment of society.

RCB, with its multi-faceted mix of over 300 members comprising a high performance cross-section of Mumbai’s successful business people and professionals, has over 50 different committees of which over 20 are dedicated to community service. The wide range of social service activities carried out by the committees allows members of every persuasion to find something that interests them. Every rupee that we spend reaches the beneficiary multiplying several fold as it leverages, in addition to the money, the value of the time spent by Rotarians and their partners in service.

As individuals who are institution builders, we are always thinking of leaving a lasting legacy for our loved ones and the society at large. RCB through its community outreach initiatives, allows us to leave a lasting legacy that does good. I would, therefore, urge my fellow Rotarians and Rotaryannes to consider donating a small part of their wealth to RCB, the club that has nurtured us. Such bequests can help the club to start a corpus with this wealth and support a cause of your choice. In doing so, we shall live on even after our deaths, earning good deeds in the hereafter.

Thanks to bequests and donations made in the past and ongoing ones, RCB directly benefits several thousand men, women and children every year, impacting lakhs of lives.

Let’s continue and amplify the good work.