Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 58 No. 8 • August 30, 2016

Vol. 58 No. 8 • August 30, 2016

As we complete the second month of this Rotary year, the excitement continues. We received a global grant of USD 53,000 from Rotary International for our coveted Jal Jeevan project. Compliments to PP Sandip Agarwalla for making it happen.

Also, a big congratulations to PP Nirav Shah for his persistent effort in successfully receiving the TRF commitment of USD 200,000 from the Piramal foundation, and for having received the term gift for the foundation. This will certainly enable us to reach to out to many more people in need.

While Meeran’s talk enthused our Rotarians and brought about conviction in governance, the installation of our new Rotaract President at the HR College of Commerce, came with a lot of promise. It was commendable to see a Rotaract Club that carries out almost 700 projects in a year! More power to our youth!