Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 59 No. 19 • November 7, 2017

Vol. 59 No. 19 • November 7, 2017

Talwada- 26/11. Be there!

Dear friends,

For too long we have associated 26/11 with something dreadful and something very sad. While we will always respect the memory of what happened to Mumbai and Mumbaikars on that fateful 26/11, we want to now give the date a more cheerfull and positive context. It is going to be a landmark date for your Club and its flagship eye centre at Talwada.

And to celebrate that, I not just invite you all, but strongly urge you all to come with us to Talwada on 26/11 morning.

We will be celebrating many things that day. But for me, foremost is the epic work carried on at the eye centre by Dr. Rahim Muljiani, Dr. Rumy Jehangir and their teams.

An important announcement will also be made that day at Talwada, and I want all of you to be a part of that moment. Not just the members who are “regulars” there, but all members, particularly new members.

And if you are not a new member and have not visited Talwada, you have really missed out on something special in your association with the Rotary Club of Bombay and so you need to join us there on 26/11.

And while we celebrate this landmark day for the eye centre that has earned the sobriquet of our “Kohinoor Project”, you can also see the wonderful work being done at the Ajit Deshpande Medical Centre (ADMC) just next door. And marvel at the efforts of Dr. Rohini Chowgule, Dr. Soli Javeri, Dr. Mehernosh Dotivala and their teams.

I can assure you that apart from the great fellowship you will enjoy, the wonderful picnic you will have, you will see work that is inspiring. Work that will make you feel proud to be a Rotarian.

So contact Tara Deshpande, Mehernosh Dotivala or Alok Sekhsaria and sign on for the day trip to Talwada. I look forward to meeting you all there.