Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 59 No. 21 • November 21, 2017

Vol. 59 No. 21 • November 21, 2017

Dear friends,
The smog in New Delhi is a warning to us that we should be paying more attention to our environment. Organizations like the Rotary Club of Bombay can play a significant role in the community, in areas such as the environment, and we should step up to the plate.

I am very happy that the Animal Welfare Committee has completed its phase one of sterilization of stray cats in Colaba and is thinking of phase two now. Efforts like these endear us to the community.

Children’s Day is always very special and this time too, schools where the Bhavishya Yaan program is running celebrated it with joy and vigor.

I have always maintained that the Bhavishya Yaan program allows us to say that we celebrate Children’s Day every day of the year.

In fact our on-going programs whether it is the HTEC and ADMC at Talwada, the Women’s Empowerment Committee at the IWA Clinic, the medical facilities at Cotton Green, the Jal Jeevan project and the Urban Heritage project at the Asiatic are precisely what differentiates our Club and makes it unique. This is not some ad hoc effort. These are well-thought-out, structured and efficiently run programs that are helping make a difference to the lives of people and communities.

While on that note, I am very pleased at the response to our call to take a large group of Rotarians to Talwada for the important event on 26/11.

I am told that some 75 people have registered and I am hoping that many more will sign up to come for this event. I will never tire of repeating that projects like these make us feel proud to be Rotarians.

And finally, the President of Rotary International Ian Risely and First Lady Juliet are in Mumbai for just one day (12/12/17) and your Club is the Lead Host for this event. Please do make it a point to attend this one-of-a-kind event.