Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 59 No. 22 • November 28, 2017

Vol. 59 No. 22 • November 28, 2017

Dear friends,
I am overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude.

I am grateful to all those who heeded my call and came to Talwada on the 26th. November.

I am sure you’ll realized why I say that the work that Rotary does at Talwada makes us all proud.

This is pure unadulterated service to the community. No frills, no fancy parties, no pins and medals.

And therefore I am grateful to Dr. Thrity Talati. She is a living example of someone who faces huge challenges with a smile. And someone who displayed what is takes to be true friend.

The Phiroze R Vakil Eye Centre will be a monument to that deep feeling, and will continue to do the wonderful work it has been doing for about 35 years.

And I am grateful to the Hasanali Tobaccowala family for having set the eye centre on its noble path so many years ago. Their contribution lives and glows brightly in our hearts.

And finally I am grateful to people like Dr. Rahim, Dr. Rumi for their selfless toil.

And to Dr. Sorab, Dr. Rohini, Dr. Mehernosh for their commitment.

And to the late Ajit Deshpande, and to our very own Rtn. Bharat Taparia whose contribution has been immense.

This trip on 26/11 will be a on-of-a-kind trip. Not just because of the record number of Rotarians who joined in (the highest-ever), not just because of the financial contribution received from Dr. Thrity (the highest ever), but because it will stand as a shining example of the true spirit that Rotary stands for and what it embodies.