Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 59 No. 29 • January 16, 2018

Vol. 59 No. 29 • January 16, 2018

Dear Friends,
The Official Club Visit of the DG went off very well.

It was nice interacting with the District Team headed by District Governor Prafull Sharma and nicer hearing him say kind things about our Club.

Yes the Rotary Club of Bombay is an institution built on the untiring efforts of its Past presidents and members over all these years.

We owe it to ourselves to protect this legacy and take it to another level in terms of the service we can offer to the underprivileged and less fortunate among us.

Some of us will be in Myanmar (Burma) when you read this. Rotarians are proving to inveterate travellers. And obviously they love traveling with fellow members of the Rotary Club of Bombay.

Thanks to PP Sandip Agarwala, the members of our Club will be meeting and interacting with members of the two Rotary Clubs there are in Myanmar. So we will be flying the RCB flag in exotic and historic Myanmar.

It was in PP Sonya’s term that she actively promoted outstation fellowships and there has been no looking back after that.

In February, the Assimilation Committee which has been in hyper-mode under the Chairmanship of Jimmy Vakharia will be in Mahabaleshwar with a rather large number of fellow-Rotarians. That should be a fun trip!

And then Anar Shah will will be taking another batch of Rotarians to Rishikesh.

So you can see there will be a lot of traveling happening.

Our Club Assembly was synchronized with the visit of the District Governor so he could have a flavor of the wonderful work our various Committees have been doingin varied avenues of service. I thank all Chairpersons and Directors who were there. You’ll really shown the bright face of the Rotary Club of Bombay to the Governor. And I thank members of the Interact, Rotaract and the Inner Wheel for participating as well.