Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 59 No. 43 • May 8, 2018

Vol. 59 No. 43 • May 8, 2018

So whose year is it anyway?

As the Rotary year draws to a close, I am being increasingly accosted by well-meaning members of our Club with the question “So how has your year been going?”

And my standard answer has been, “you need to tell me that”.

Yet I have been thinking about it and I really believe that one question begs an answer.

“So whose year is it anyway?”

And to answer that question, I am reaching out to each and every one of you’ll.

I sincerely believe that a Rotary year is made of a hundred different experiences.

The experiences of each member and each Rotaryanne.

And I urge you’ll to write in to me at narayan.ramesh@ with one or two of these experiences.

Just a short note of under 50 words that encapsulate one or more experiences of yours.

They might be profoundly moving experiences that you have encountered or perceived as a part of your Rotary life.

Things that touched you. Or things you did that obviously touched the lives of others.

They might be just simple things about the Rotary year that you have observed. Different, the same, wonderful, it doesn’t matter.

Please sit back for a moment and think of such an experiences or observations.

Write in. And we’ll publish them in forthcoming issues of the Gateway.

It’s really your year, you know.