Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 59 No. 9 • August 29, 2017

Vol. 59 No. 9 • August 29, 2017

Dear friends,
The Shankar Mahadevan concert to raise funds for Bhavishya Yaan the widely acclaimed student enrichment project of the Rotary Club of Bombay (RCB) was a winner in more ways than one.

It proved to be a great effort to actually raise money for a good cause.

It brought members of our Club together, united by a cause and the camaraderie was very heartening. It brought meaningful publicity for the RCB and the Rotary movement. And of course everyone really enjoyed the concert.

Personally, I found the song “Taare Zameen Par” very moving. It had 30 Bhavishya Yaan children who had undergone training by the Shankar Mahadevan Academy singing along with the maestro himself.

A very positive outcome of the effort was that the Shankar Mahadevan Academy is interested in participating in the Bhavishya Yaan program as well as organizing some group music sessions for our elders at the Ananda Yaan program.

On another note I was very gratified to hear the nice things being said about the RCB at the AGM of the Asiatic Society. We have a very committed Urban Heritage Committee working with Chairperson Rohal Dalal and Co Chair Aditya Somani who are passionate about what they do. The public mention of their good work is a tribute to the impact they are making.

Two months are almost over and now we need all our Committees to hit their full stride. Our first Club Assembly would be in October and we can take stock of what everyone has been doing.

We have entered the festive season. I wish all our members a very joyous time, and I am sure in the midst of all the festivities we will keep our eye on those who are less fortunate than us. I also appeal to our members to keep the environment in mind through the festive season.