Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / What Rotary Means To Me

What Rotary Means To Me

By President Nominee Shernaz Vakil

When I joined the Rotary Club 17 years ago as a complete rookie, I was not sure how and where I would contribute. I only had an idea that somehow this was how I could reach out to the less fortunate.

Having now chaired and been on several committees and social projects of the Club, I can see how easy it is for us to contribute and make a small difference to someone’s life. It doesn’t take much time or effort to make the elderly smile, or chat with the intelligent youngsters who are part of our Bhavishya Yaan or to advice a teenager starting out in life at the Vocational Training Centre.

Rotary has exposed me to so many situations and opportunities where I can reach out to the less privileged and support them in a small way, with a little time and perhaps a small contribution to better their lives.

Most of us spend all day at work, and need an opportunity to relate to the society around us, and ways to reach out to the less privileged.

Rotary has shown me how so many young children of our country have such great potential but are held back for lack of opportunities.

Rotary bridges this gap and hopefully over the years we can do much more through mentoring, scholarships and vocational training.

I have also always enjoyed the fellowship of my fellow Rotarians!

Personally, I am learning and taking back so much more than I can give.

As the years go on Rotary is becoming a more meaningful part of my life.