Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway  / Well done, RCB!

Well done, RCB!

Ajay Gupta
The Rotary International Presidential Citation was presented to the Rotary Club of Bombay for its outstanding performance during the Rotary year 2014-15 by District Governor Ajay Gupta. President Shailesh Haribhakti, who accepted the award, also received the ‘Diamond Club’trophy conferred by the Governor of District 3140. It was the last meeting of the Rotary year 2014-15 and DG Ajay also presented the R.I. Presidential Citation to five Interact Clubs and one Rotaract Club (all of them sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bombay). Finally, he presented the District Governor’s Citations to ten members of the Club who had worked along with him in promoting the various programmes and projects of the District.

inner.Solar power under a ‘champa’ (frangipani) tree. A plaque marking the installation of a solar power plant at the city’s oldest museum, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya, was unveiled on June 29. With Dr. Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Director-General (in blue shirt in the photograph below), are, from left, Alok Sekhsaria, Madhusudan Daga, President Dr. Sonya Mehta, IPP Shailesh Haribhakti and President-Nominee Ramesh Narayan