Rotary Club of Bombay

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Q & A with RI President, Barry Rassin

Recently RI President Barry Rassin was on facebook live and was taking questions from Rotarians across the world. Rtn Satyan Israni of Rotary Club of Bombay put the following question to Barry:

Q: Barry do you think increasing the number of members in existing clubs is preferred or increasing the number of clubs when we talk about getting more people into the rotary family?

A: It depends on the area and the club. We should be doing both – is the answer. We should be growing our clubs. We shouldn’t be having clubs who are having less than 20 members. They are doing great work don’t get me wrong but you have a better dynamic if you get more than 20 members in a club. So you want to grow your clubs but you also want to start new clubs especially to provide opportunities for the young professionals to get into a club if they can design themselves. They can put it together the way they want it to with their friends. So it’s important to start new clubs and it’s important to continue building our own clubs.