Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Child Welfare Committee  / The Child Welfare Committee of RCB Organised An Educational Field Trip

The Child Welfare Committee of RCB Organised An Educational Field Trip

The Child Welfare Committee of RCB organised an educational field trip for a few street children of Salaam Baalak on November 28th, 2021. They spent their Sunday morning attending the Children’s World Music Festival at CSMVS museum. The children were exposed to the ancient throat singing by Huun Huur Tu from the distant land of Tuva in collaboration with Indian Percussionists.

Their music includes throat singing, in which the singers sing both a note and its overtones, thus producing two or three notes simultaneously. The overtone may sound like a flute, whistle, or bird, but is solely a product of the human voice.

This was an international experience for these children. RCB thanks the team from CSMVS for giving such an opportunity to the under-served. A special thank you to Ms. Krutika for always finding space in their programmes for children supported by RCB.