Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Child Welfare Committee  / A Treat For The Children

A Treat For The Children

The lockdown and hardships faced by many made Rtn. Kirit and Rtn. Ptn. Damini Kamdar plan their wedding anniversary with a difference this time around. They celebrated their special day on January 24th by showing genuine care and concern for the needy.

The tasty chola-kulcha lunch with fruit cake and chocochip brownies was a treat for Lighthouse students of the fishermen community who, like many others, are hoping that this phase passes soon and normalcy is restored in everyone’s life. Till then, RCB brings tasty snacks to their doorsteps.

These small interventions keep the children motivated for their online classes. Lighthouse is an RCB project in association with NGO Vidya which enrols children from Sr kg to grade 5.

We do need these occasional treats from our generous Rotarians and Child Welfare Committee of RCB thanks Rtn. Kirit Kamdaar for the same. The children join us in sending their wishes, greetings and big hugs.