Rotary Club of Bombay


Baroda, 7 June, 2018 Pres. Rtn. Ramesh Narayan RC. Bombay Dist. 3141(17-18) MUMBAI (M.S.) Dear Rtn. Rameshji, I thank you for your club bulletin “the Gateway” (No.1-45) downloaded from your club website for which I am indeed grateful to you. I found your bulletins interesting, informative and most expressive in contents with excellent design and art work with photographs of several...

Manish Reshamwala began his Rotaract journey in 2008, as a member of the Interact Committee and the Bhavishya Yaan Committee, before becoming the chairman of the latter. Thereafter, he has been the Hon. Treasurer of the club for a period of two years, and this year marks his third year as Hon. Secretary of the...

The Gateway (TG): Fat represents stored energy in our body. So people with excess fat shouldn't feel hunger pangs as their body should instead be burning their excess fat to provide energy for their needs. Why do overweight and obese people feel the need to eat more, instead of their bodies using up stored energy...