Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway (Page 10)

Although I am a vaccine manufacturer and developer, vaccines alone will not be the answer for us to get out of the pandemic. We will need vaccines and other solutions, including therapeutics and faster diagnostics or better diagnostics. The virus is mutating very fast. One hopeful answer to this would be that with multiple mutations,...

Everything was going pretty well for the markets up until March, you are talking about how things might peak in the US economy, the US economy through 2019 has seen a growth around 2-2.5 to 3 percent. Trump era policy is working and he is pretty much beating his own trumpet saying how much the...

You work with start-ups, tell us a little bit about scaling up; how do you transition? Also, what advice do you give family promoters on professionalising? I have been involved with scaling up for 15-odd years, much before it became fashionable. It has taught me to take a cold-hearted look so as to what is the...