Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway (Page 14)

MANJEET: SHOBHAA DE’S NEW BOOK LOCKDOWN LIAISONS CHRONICLES SOCIETY AND ITS CHANGES DURING THE LOCKDOWN. WHAT TRIGGERED THE IDEA OF THIS BOOK? Shobhaa De: These stories reflect all that we have been going through. We have our coping mechanisms; some people cook, some people acquire new skills, some people have joined online classes, some bake, some...

BADMINTON OLYMPIAN APARNA POPAT TALKS TO ATHLETE ADILLE SUMARIWALLA AND LONG JUMP GOLD MEDALLIST ANJU BOBBY GEORGE ABOUT A RECIPE FOR SPORTING SUCCESS. I believe we should look at skill sports rather than strength sports. - Athlete Adille Sumariwalla on producing champions India has participated in the Olympics since 1920. A hundred years later, we have 28...

Marketer Harish Bhat shares stories of curiosity that moved him ABOUT THREE YEARS AGO, I WROTE A BOOK CALLED THE CURIOUS MARKETER, AND THESE ARE ALL STORIES OF CURIOSITIES THAT I AM GOING TO NARRATE. What does curiosity mean? Is curiosity an eagerness to learn? Is curiosity an urge to explore something that you do not know?...

Rotarians brought in RCB’s new President Framroze Mehta in a celebratory Zoom ceremony last Tuesday PRESIDENT FRAMROZE MEHTA WAS INSTALLED AS THE 92ND PRESIDENT OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF BOMBAY in a Zoom function last Tuesday. The evening started with enthusiastic welcome messages to ‘Fali’ and ended with the President, and all his men and women, belting...

Entrepreneur Harsh Mariwala talks survival techniques for businesses Many a times, we have good employees working closely with us who perform exceedingly well but as the business becomes complex, things become bigger, they start becoming less and less relevant. Feeling guilty, we think we should be loyal to them. But, especially at the middle and senior...

Hon. Rtn. Ajay Piramal shares his personal experience of fighting challenges I WANT TO BEGIN WITH an experience that all of us have had, regularly, that is taking a flight. When you take a flight, you sit on your seat and what happens during take-off and landing is that the pilot is in control. You may find...

RCB conferred the Social Service Award to Pratibha Pai and the Sohrab Godrej Award for Science and Technology to Dr. Laxman Singh Rathore last Tuesday Pratibha Pai Many Rotarians might be aware that I was involved, in my own way, in the launch of your flagship education programme Bhavishya Yaan. My BMS students of HR College were the...

Ajit Ranade, Group Executive President and Chief Economist, Aditya Birla Group casts an eye on the way ahead for the Indian economy Our objective has always been to have inclusive growth. But before inclusive growth you need to have economic growth, the expansion of opportunity, the expansion of income, revenues and profits. So, I am especially happy...

As DG Harjit Singh Talwar congratulated the Rotary Club of Bombay for a job well done these past years and outlined the path ahead, an air of pride and determination dominated RCB’s Tuesday meeting last week AT THE OUTSET let me congratulate and compliment all the Past Presidents of this Club, 90 years’ service to the community,...

Even as India and the world celebrate the quick lockdown effected upon 1.3 bn people in the world’s largest democracy, P SAINATH throws light upon a total miscarriage of justicebillion On May 17th, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued an extremely strict curfew order which said: ‘Movement of individuals is strictly prohibited between 7 pm and...