Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway (Page 20)

A pioneer in the field of chemical engineering, Prof. M. M. Sharma asks inventors to think laterally and investors to encourage blue sky research ‘Increasing use of technology has caused rapid development in the world’. It is not difficult to find some version of this line in almost every school textbook. But how has technology lead...

The onus to have a conscience falls upon architects, to do what is right for the environment around them Architect Brinda Somaya’s name stands at the forefront of leaders from her profession who work in synergy with the environment. Her philosophy – the architect’s role is that of a guardian, the conscience of the built and...

Dear Club President Vijay Jatia, Many thanks to you and the Rotary Club of Bombay for your warm hospitality last month during our trip to Mumbai. It was wonderful to meet with local Rotarians and learn about the inspiring activities they are organising! We also especially appreciate the care and attention you took in arranging for our...

Decorated Army officer, Lt General Syed Ata Hasnain talks political threats, competition and lays out the real deal A second-generation Army officer, Lt General Syed Ata Hasnain, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, SM, VSM & BAR, counts two of India’s finest educational institutions – Sherwood College, Nainital, and St Stephen’s College, Delhi – amongst his almae matres. His...

At the weekly Rotary Club of Bombay meeting, RIPE Mark Maloney was everything you would expect from a leader of the community: warm, gracious and full of thanks to District 3141 and District 3142. RIPE Mark Maloney commenced by giving condolences, on the 10th anniversary of the 26/11 Attacks, to families who had lost their dear...

In an era of information overload, it is possible to surprise people with new detail. And, if that byte of fact concerns health, a hall full of people will even sit up and listen to you. This is good for their posture anyway and so, fittingly, Tuesday’s speaker Dr. Murtuza Rangwala captured everyone’s attention by...

We have to reduce our dependence on external agencies and every Indian must do what he and she can, emphasised renowned philanthropist, investment banker, equity market guru and thought leader Vallabh Bhansali EDITED EXCERPTS FROM THE TALK BY THOUGHT LEADER VALLABH BHANSALI. WHEN VIJAYJI ASKED ME WHAT THE TOPIC WOULD BE AND I SAID ‘REBUILDING INDIA’ AND...

There is more to David Sassoon than a statue and a library; Prof. Shaul Sapir separates myth and fact going all the way back to the opium trade LAST TUESDAY, ON NOVEMBER 6TH, Prof. Shaul Sapir shared an experience all humans have shared – curiosity – and its consequences. In Sapir’s case, he went into a...

Audience urged to go beyond established names from Bombay Progressive Artists’ Group and take a chance on new talent LAST TUESDAY’S GUEST SPEAKER HAD AN Oscar moment. Long after Gaurav Bhatia, MD, Sotheby’s South Asia operations, had finished his talk on the meaning of cultural capital, he was still fielding questions from members of the audience. His time...

Last Tuesday’s debate on decriminalising homosexuality mirrored various factions of society SELF-DEPRECATORY HUMOUR IS A SIGN of intelligence but, equally, laughing at yourself is a sign of discomfort and an attempt at deflection from the real issue. And, so, October 23rd’s debate on decriminalising homosexuality was a mirror of society at large. There were Rotarians comfortable...

Are you safe? Is anyone safe from cyber hackers? No, says Dr Harold D’Costa IT SHOULD BE DIFFICULT TO SHOCK a group of seasoned Rotarians. After all, with years of community service in their pocket, Rotarians have first-hand exposure to all the horrors faced by those they aid. Yet, Dr Harold D’Costa, President of Cyber Security Corporation,...

Is it possible to get teenagers interested in becoming vehicles of change? Rishabh Shah says yes WHAT MAKES A BOY LIKE ANY OTHER exemplary? What makes a member of India’s 300 million plus passive youth (in the ages 13 to 19) engaged in the country around him and passionate to effect changes? Rishabh Shah, who...