Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway (Page 24)

What is a bitcoin? “When I bought a percentage of a bitcoin 13 months ago, a bitcoin was valued at anywhere between 500 to 600 dollars. Today, the same bitcoins have brought back 30 times the return, and are valued at 18,000 dollars (still climbing),” said the speaker. So what is the method behind the madness’? And...

Gautam Chatterjee, a former state government bureaucrat, was recently made the Chairman of the Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (Maha RERA). More recent to the day he took office, he was invited by the Rotary Club of Bombay to speak about RERA (Real Estate Regulation & Development Act). However, due to the thunderstorms in Mumbai, he...

The Sheriff of London knocked on the door of Richard Gresham and George Berisford, who were joint tenants of a house in Blackfriars. What happened next changed the world’s perception on privacy. Here’s a little backstory, as the Tuesday speaker, Darius Khambatta, a distinguished senior counsel, explained: Berisford died while in debt to Peter Semayne. As...

It might be hard to put a name to the voice of a radio jockey, especially to one who gained his fame back when there was only one official radio station and not yet a billion listeners waiting to be entertained. Nevertheless, the Tuesday speaker doesn’t necessarily suffer the inadequacy of such a vocation because...

It has been nine years since 26/11. That is enough time to ask ourselves whether we will ever be prepared for a similar incident. Raghu Raman, the President of Risk, Security, and New Ventures at Reliance Industries Limited, seemed unsure. However, he voiced his uncertainty with the confidence that one holds after having “spent 12...

When introduced to our fellow Rotarians at the weekly Tuesday meeting, Dr. Nadeem Rais was reacquainted with one of his own teachings - “If you are ever invited somewhere, then you must go if you are earning, learning, or having fun.” Dr. Rais is one of the leading diabetologists in Mumbai and his independent practice is...

“Business and Environment Sustainability” was the topic of discussion at the Rotary meeting last week. So terms such as “energy efficiency,” “water conservation,” and “green footprint,” to name a few, were sounded from time to time. But, for a change, these terms weren’t used to frame accusations: The speaker, Mr. Jamshyd Naoroji Godrej, used them...

Rtn. Srinivasan Prasad vacated the pulpit for V.G. Siddhartha, after requesting the latter to tell rotarians why he had accepted their invitation to be the Tuesday speaker, even though he has been known to keep a very low profile. In answering the question, the entrepreneur, who has given us Cafe Coffee Day and Mindtree, the largest...

In Birmingham, at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Dr. Darius Mirza is one of the very few doctors responsible for the hospital’s record-breaking five thousand liver transplants. But it would be incorrect to say that his contribution to medical science, in the twenty five years that he spent in the west, is just limited to this...

10th October, 2017. From a distance, Gaur Gopal Das Prabhuji looked like a thespian playing a monk. It was the intricately painted bindi, saffron attire, and shaved head that gave such an impression. Upon taking a closer look, another detail was revealed. Prabhuji was wearing an Apple Watch! Somehow, this detail discredited the entire get-up...

When introducing the speaker, Dr. Poornima Advani said, “He has served in the oil industry, but his heart always lay in the rural areas.” And after finally listening to his heart, Mr. Mathew Cherian now holds the post of Chief Operating Officer of Help Age India, has authored the ground-breaking non-fiction book “A Million Missions,”...

“If Dawood Ibrahim would have requested my presence, I would say no emphatically, but not to Mr. Ramesh Narayan. So I’m here,” said D. Sivanandhan, DGP (Retd.), before the audience burst out laughing. And with that opening line, the kind words used to introduce D. Sivanandhan’s as an engaging speaker rang true. As you’ll soon realise,...