Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway (Page 8)

The Centre for Environmental Research and Education (CERE) is a Mumbai-based not-for-profit organisation established in 2002 that works to promote environmental sustainability through research and innovation, formal education, government and corporate partnerships and publications. CERE has successfully completed many rural and urban environmental restoration projects such as urban afforestation, rainwater harvesting, solar electrification, carbon footprinting...

In today’s discussion, I am going to talk about Omicron but also focus on developing resilience because the past two years have taxed our inner resources considerably and many of us have developed pandemic fatigue. I hear people saying ‘what is the point? I can’t go on like this, I might as well face the...

There is a forgotten Bharat with no electricity, one room and one shelter. It is probably 200-odd kms away from Mumbai and it only has a kerosene lamp as light. This is a sight seen in rural India where power remains unaffordable, inadequate or simply non-existent for around 200 million people. This is the Bharat...

CHANGE: POWERED BY RCB Last Friday, I wrote to each of you regarding the unique village project we were working on just three hours out of Mumbai. We have conceived an Integrated Rural Development at Savroli village, in the Vikramgad block of Palghar. This project is unique to the others completed by RCB until now as not only...

TIME TO RESET As we move into the New year with some trepidation, most of us have hope that things can only get better. Having faced uncertainty and challenges through a difficult 2021, we are prepared to face the worst and get on with our lives. Who could have imagined that for two years we would meet mostly...

When I was Chairman of Parliament’s External Affairs Ministry, the position from which I was defenestrated after five years in 2019, I always proudly articulated our tradition, that political differences stop at the water’s edge. That there isn’t a Congress foreign policy or BJP foreign policy, only an Indian foreign policy and Indian national interest....