Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway  / Celebrating Christmas — The Rotary Way!

Celebrating Christmas — The Rotary Way!

Manoj Murarka and Swapana Murarka



Chris-4Chris-2It’s that special time of the year when everyone is soaking in the festive spirit. Lit up streets, decorated houses coupled with the aroma of cake and wine immediately puts you in the mood for celebration. And as they say happiness is infectious, the celebratory mood caught up with the Rotarians on December 24 as they celebrated the most-awaited holiday of the year in style.

Hosted by Rtn. Manoj and R/Anne Swapana Murarka, the meeting last Tuesday was a memorable one for many reasons. The venue of the meeting underwent a complete makeover with glittering decorations and flowers replacing the formal atmosphere. The theme of the decor was red, green and white. While the tables were decorated in red flowers and shimmering green streamers, the chairs had red ribbons to match the theme. A huge Christmas tree was placed at the entrance to welcome the Club members, who were more than happy to pose along with it. They were greeted personally by Manoj and Swapana, and were also given Santa hats — something that instantly brought a smile to their faces. President Rtn. Nirav Shah and First Lady Devina Shah were given special Santa hats by the hosts.
All of this set the mood for the delicious lunch that was arranged specially for the event. The menu was chosen by the host and hostess with great care and detailed attention to the likes and dislikes of all members. The lavish spread comprised the traditional Christmas wine, assorted bread baskets with butter, split pea soup and pumpkin soup. Salads included baby carrots with raisin cucumber and chives, roasted mushroom salad with Balsamic dressing and roasted beetroot salad with mustard dressing. Other dishes such as Chicken Diavolo, roast lamb with red wine, cottage cheese steaks, vegetable lasagne, sweet corn croquettes and pasta in roasted bell pepper sauce were also a part of the menu. The most exciting part of the lunch was the dessert counter, which served Christmas pudding with vanilla ice-cream and fruit tarts.

Saxophonist Anand Vaity impressed members and their spouses with his imaginative and incisive music. PP Rtn. Harry Singh Arora and Rtn. Dr. Nayna Dastur were also spotted dancing to the lively tunes of the saxophone. R/Anne Dr. Swati Piramal was also seen having a good time at the occasion.

The Rotarians truly had a great time in what was the last fellowship of 2013. The senior as well as junior members were seen interacting and enjoying the atmosphere. Almost 200 members and their spouses turned up for the event. President Nirav and R/Anne Devina thanked Manoj and Swapana for their planning and hospitality. While leaving, every member was presented with a Christmas stocking filled with mini homemade brownies — again an arrangement made by Swapana.

The event was a huge success thanks to flawless planning by Manoj and Swapana. Their son Sahil Murarka was also a part of the celebration. The Taj Management as well as staff members of the Rotary Club of Bombay and Nirav Shah’s office deserve a special mention for the fantastic arrangements. All in all, it was a day to remember!