Rotary Club of Bombay

Young at Heart

Rotary Club of Bombay / Young at Heart  / Committee Reports: Young at Heart 2019-2020

Committee Reports: Young at Heart 2019-2020

Director-in-charge: Rtn. Ram Gandhi

Chairperson: Rtn. Ramesh Mehta

Vice-Chairperson: PP Rtn. Rajnikant Reshamwala

Committee members: PP Rtn. Nandan Damani, Rtn. Arvind Agarwal, Rtn. Ramesh Dhir

Fellowships for the Young at Heart.

A dinner was organised by the Young At Heart Committee on 31st January, 2020, at the Willingdon Club. All senior excused Rotarians were invited along with a few young members. It was a successful function with old Rotarians, who are now irregular in club meetings, meeting and mingling with all those present. Some new Rotarians who are active were also invited and introduced to the old guard. Many Past Presidents who are not regular at club meetings attended the dinner. It was a leisurely function where all discussed their time in Rotary over cocktails and food and reminiscing fun, old stories.

Other events were planned but could not be held in view of the lockdown.