Rotary Club of Bombay

Phiroze Ratanshah Vakil Eye Centre

Eye Care Centre Turns 41

PHIROZE Ratanshah Vakil Eye Centre (PRVEC) is located at Talwada near Charoti, Maharashtra 150 Kms from Mumbai on NH 8.

PP Rtn. (Dr.) Rahim Muljiani who is the founder of the centre, first visited Talwada on August 28, 1978.

On this day, 51 patients visited Dr. Muljiani.

The centre was formally declared open on February 8, 1981.

It was called “Rotary Eye Centre” till Rtn. Akhtarali Tobaccowala generously donated Rs 50 lakhs in November 2002, towards the corpus in honour of his late father. Thus, the Centre was renamed Hasanali Tobaccowala Eye Centre (HTEC).

Last year, Dr. Thrirty Talati donated a generous 4 crores in memory of her friend, Rtn. Phiroze Ratanshah. The centre was renamed Phiroze Ratanshah Vakil Eye Centre (PRVEC).


OPD : 4,52,833

Spectacles distributed : 47,350

Operations performed : 31,631

Indoor Patients : 4213

Intraocular lens : 13,874

YAG : 1817

Keratoplasty : 45

Green Laser : 143

Per year around 15,000 patients visit the centre in OPD and around 800 cataract / other surgeries are performed.

All Services Rendered to Patients at PRVEC are FREE OF CHARGE.