Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Cancer Aid  / Give A Damn, Run A Mile

Give A Damn, Run A Mile

Squash-A-Mile for V Care Foundation is an initiative of the Advani siblings and now an initiative of the squash fraternity, young volunteer kids across schools especially Hill Spring School, and the extended Advani family.

Since 2012, young children volunteers have raised more than Rs. 18 million, helping over 3500 less privileged cancer
patients through V Care Foundation who provides bridge funding for their medical needs or medical treatments. We look forward to your largesse, the benevolence of your friends, family and of your companies!

This year, like in 2020, we’ve moved to an online campaign, #VCareAMile. Our young organisers this year are Mishaal Thapar, Armaan Thapar, Rhea, and Rohaan Advani, Leah Divecha, Janina Shivdasani, and Rishad Poonawala, who are all in the age group of 14 to 26 years.

All you need to do is run a mile or 2000 steps, at any venue of your choice, from the wee hours of Friday, August 27th, 2022, through Sunday, August 29th, 2022, ending at 3.59 pm. You may run as many miles as you wish in solidarity for our cause.

Do time-keep only your ONE mile run if you are competing and post your timing on instagram at #squashamile and #VCareAMile. Feel free to share any fun moments!

Let’s work up a sweat!

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