Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Rotaract  / RCSC Celebrates V-Day With Vaidu Kids

RCSC Celebrates V-Day With Vaidu Kids

10 Rotaractors from Sydneham College, led by Rtr. Deepanksha Khetawat, spent Valentine’s Day with the tribal kids of the Vaidu community. These children could not go to school during the pandemic or study online as they did not have the required gadgets.

Team RCSC excitedly introduced themselves, prompting the 215 kids to share about themselves too. This was followed by games like dog & bone, musical chairs, dodgeball, and relay race, filling the air with peals of laughter.

Donations of stationery items such as notebooks, colours, geometry boxes, socks and clothes were made by RCSC. The Saturday afternoon ended with distribution of chocolates and biscuits to the kids.

The icing on the cake was performances by the kids which included dance and beatboxing, affirming that ‘talent is everyone waiting for an opportunity’.