Bhavishya Yaan Update: Getting into the festive spirit at NMJ Marg

 In Bhavishya Yaan

NMJ is back with a fun filled Saturday!

MakarsankrantI, Lohri, and Pongal being around the corner, brought about a well spent Saturday at NMJ in preparation towards these festivals.

7th to 9th std students had a session on Makarsankrant and Pongal. It started with discussion on why they are celebrated? And their importance in our lives. The students wrote an essay on these festivals.

As kite flying plays an important role the students made kites and drawings of “Pots” for Pongal. Outcome of the session was students learnt the scientific and traditional reasons of celebrating these festivals.

The 5th and 6th std students on the other hand were shown videos of “Lohri, Pongal, and Makarsankranti Festivals of India” on YouTube.

A discussion was held on the importance and how they are celebrated in different parts of our country. Thereafter the students were asked to answer the questions shown on video. Primary section 3rd and 4th std.

The Rotract Club of H.R College students conducted two activities. First activity was “Spin the barrow,” where they gave each student one word and spun the wheel which consisted of different questions for students to answer. This helped the students to learn new words and answers with fun and games.

In the second activity they did “Relay” in which the students were divided into 4 groups and were asked several questions. The were scored for giving the answers immediately. Thus learning quick thinking and to respond fast.

Meanwhile 1st and 2nd standard students watched a movie “The Good Dinosaur.” An interactive session was held after the movie with the kids.

Activity and Fun Filled Saturday for all at NMJ!

Meanwhile after a Parents and Students meeting held yesterday for 10th std students for their well being in terms of their rest, sleep required, environment at home, food and efforts to reduce stress by not pressuring them for desired percentage etc. during their exam time. The 10th std students are now busy preparing for their preliminary exams starting on the 15th of this month.

Hopefully they and their family will follow all that was talked and advised to them during the meetings.

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