Bhavishya Yaan Updates – Children’s Day Out

 In Bhavishya Yaan

193 Bhavishya Yaan children from all five centres – Colaba, NMJ , GK Marg, Worli and Byculla municipal schools were taken to see a non verbal Mexican play -Vagabuno by Triciclo Rojos at Yashwant Natya Mandir, Matunga on 8th December .

Vagabundo is the story of three characters in search of happiness. Cazzo, Lazzo and Pozzo, the vagabonds, embark on this journey and find a dandelion, fix an old lighthouse, and learn many values along the way.

The original theatrical idea was created by Emiliano Cardenas, in collaboration with Francous Duregne, a French dramatist clown. It was a great exposure for our Bhavishya Yaan children organised by Vidya foundation and RCB .

The learning for students from this show was that light of happiness and patience is within oneself. It can be achieved by doing simple things in our daily activities which brings inner peace and satisfaction.

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