Cancer Aid Committee Report 2016

 In Cancer Aid

The committee will continue to provide its contribution towards treatment of cancer patients at Tata Memorial and other Hospitals. A sum of `4.25 lakhs has been used so far. The committee expanded its scope of activities by conducting the following:
1. A Party for children from cancer and their parents was organized at the Radio Club on 17th September. Sixty children attended the event and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
2. Tobacco Awareness Camp at the Byculla Municipal School was held on 29th September, wherein representatives of Salam Mumbai spoke on the ill effects of Tabacco and answered their queries. Over 300 students attended.
3. Cancer Screening Camps were organized in association with Cancer Patients Aid Association at G.K. Marg as well as at the Colaba Municipal School on 13th and 20th October respectively. A team of doctors, i.e. General Physicians, Gynecologists and Pathologists checked the parents of Bhavishya Yaan students as well as the school staff for various types of Cancer. A total of 206 people were screened at both the schools.
4. A multi-pronged Social Media Campaign on Cancer Awareness was recently launched on Twitter, Facebook as well as on Instagram, wherein we have already received 1692 likes to the Facebook account itself. Plans for the second half of the Rotary year include:
1. We plan to have a Cancer Screening Camp in Parel for ‘Bandwale Sanstha’ – People who play bands for weddings and functions.
2.More Cancer Detection Camps as well as Tobacco awareness camps will be organized on a monthly basis.

3. We intend to tie up with other committees such as Talwada, Women’s Empowerment (IWA) and Bhavishya Yaan to hold such camps.

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