Club felicitates 98 ‘Bhavishya-Yaan’ SSC scholars

 In Bhavishya Yaan

Ninety-eight Bhavishya-Yaan students from five municipal schools, who topped the SSC exam during the last academic year, were felicitated at a grand function in the G.K. Marg School Auditorium on August 5. The Bhavishya-Yaan programme has been running successfully for seven years now and the students were beaming from ear to ear as they went on stage to receive gifts, compliments and good wishes for a bright and successful future.

The Rotary Club of Bombay hosts this event every year to encourage schoolleaving students and to assure them of the promising future that lies ahead of them. Bhavishya-Yaan imparts training in spoken English, computer skills and life skills through its knowledge partners, Vidya and Infotroopers.

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