Enabling the next generation of students at BY

 In Bhavishya Yaan

A HUGE thank you to Rtn. Indu Shahani and her team for spending their valuable time with Bhavishya Yaan students and giving them the opportunity to attend career guidance sessions at ISME.

A staggering 217 students from the BY alumni and standard 10 attended the sessions conducted especially for Bhavishya Yaan. Each child was free to attend three sessions of his/her choice. The sessions were on management, advertising, the hotel and food industry, the information technology industry (ITI), accounting and general counselling.

The sessions were interesting and gave students an insight into career options previously unknown to them. The lecture rooms were packed with students who listened with great interest.

The ITI session arranged by Neeta Pradhan of Vidya was popular with the students who learned a variety of skills and were told of several, available, job opportunities. Enhancing the knowledge of new skills was further reinforced in the general counselling session, conducted by Chandrakant Munde. Management and advertising also captured the students’ interest.

No matter what the session or subject, a lively question-and-answer discussion followed and the team expertly answered all queries.

The Rotaract Club of ISME led by Hansika Shahani and Dhruv Parikh did an amazing job in planning the logistics and making sure the event was executed smoothly and efficiently. The sessions ended with Rtn. Indu Shahani addressing the students. She made everyone feel welcome and at home with her warmth and smiling countenance. Much to their delight, she even danced with them and promised to host a similar event again in future! The students gave her a standing ovation!

Each student and alumni was given a snack box, generously sponsored by the young Rotaractors themselves. The afternoon ended with Bollywood music and dance!

The event was attended by Rtn. Indu Shahani, Rtn. Jamshed Vakharia, Rtn. Annes Beena and Avaan, Byculla school mentor Rashmi, Neeta Pradhan and Mrs Masuma of Vidya, Hansika Shahani and Dhruv Parikh of ISME and all the enthusiastic ISME Rotaractors! A huge thank you to the team for their time, dedication and effort.

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