Fellowship Dinner Hosted by Rtn. Pradeep and Divya Mafatlal

 In Fellowship

Rtn. Pradeep and Divya Mafatlal hosted a fabulous Full Club Fellowship evening celebrating eighty-six years of RCB’s existence on Monday, March 14th, 2016. The generosity of the hosts had all the Rotarians won over with the warmth and the plush that came through with the extensive planning. The Fellowship was held on the expansive lawns of the gorgeous Mafatlal Altamount Road family home. There was absolute revelry in camaraderie and merriments as the evening offered the choicest cocktails, delicious cuisines and delectable desserts, which were heartily enjoyed by over a hundred and fifty attendees. There was also a live band that kept the Rotarians in great spirits with a lot of song and dance! President Rtn. Sonya Mehta opened the meeting followed by Fellowship Announcements. Later there were toasts made to the international and Indian visiting toasts from other Rotary Clubs. A vote of thanks to the hosts for the elaborate fellowship marked the end of a fun and fabulous evening.

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