Vol. 59 No. 30 • January 23, 2018

 In From the President’s Desk

So what makes for a good outstation fellowship?

What makes a Rotary trip memorable?

Is it the choice of the destination?

Is it the hotels and logistics and food?

Or is it even the quality of guides and the busses?

I guess it’s a little of all this.

And if it is, the RCB trip to Burma scores high all all these parameters. But didn’t a wise man say that it’s not the destination that important, it’s the quality of the journey? Or words to that effect? Yes. So what has made this early part of the trip special for me is people.

Sandeep and his deep voice made even more baritone by a throat infection, overseeing everything, Chris and his strong arms working hard to make sure every evening was set to perfection.

Malti who seemed to be everywhere, always solicitous and caring.

Vrinda worrying about what the theee vegans in the group would eat the next day or calling ahead to make sure the menu was just right.

Arun Sanghi standing and making sure that everyone got hot food before eating himself.

Sweta carefully collecting all the mountains of snacks that people ate and left on the tables.

And I name just a few. The ladies on this group really took charge of details. To me these are things that no tour operator can organise.

Because these are things that come from the heart. And I thank each and every Rotarian from the bottom of my heart for adding several little things that made the total so much greater that the sum of its parts.

And then you add the company of friends and you realise what a Rotary trip is all about.

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