Vol. 59 No. 37 • March 20, 2018

 In From the President’s Desk

Looking back with satisfaction.

Looking ahead with confidence.

On the 19th of March 1929, the Rotary Club of Bombay was founded. That means we are entering our ninetieth year. And unlike in a game of cricket, this will not be the nervous nineties for us.

This is a time to look back, reflect on the last eighty nine years, think of those Past Presidents and members who have contributed to making this Association an Institution. A time to introspect on the legacy that we have inherited. A time to dwell on the achievements of almost nine decades.

But time and tide waits for no man. So let’s not get mired in the past. This is also a time to look ahead and decide what are priorities are. A time to set demanding goals and make ambitious plans to achieve them. A time to rededicate ourselves to the principles of community service. A time to look within and see if we are passing the Four Way test in everyday life.

We must realize that in just ten years we will be in our centenary year. And ten years is a blink of an eye in the life of an institution.

And we must also keep in mind that the raison d’etre or the reason for our existence is not to promote ourselves or to cling to projects we have incubated. Neither is it to think in narrow terms about what we should be doing.

We owe a debt of gratitude to those who have built up this institution and a real debt to the less fortunate among us in society.

Let us ensure that posterity judges us with awe and respect as the women and men who stood on a solid foundation and took a leap of faith, and soared to great heights.

Happy Birthday Rotary Club of Bombay!

I am privileged to serve you.

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