Vol. 60 No. 02 • July 10, 2018

 In From the President’s Desk

We have stepped into the new Rotary Year. I am thankful for your support and good wishes that each and everyone has expressed in the past few days. We have already collected funds worth 1.5 crores.

As quoted by Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” The more the members the better we can reach out. Memberships are the backbone of any association. In our Club, members represent professionals that establish standards and ethics in a given industry and, more importantly, they drive revenue.

Membership at RCB over the past years has been stagnant. I humbly request you all to get newer younger energetic individuals to join our club to carry on the spirit. Thank you!


Dear President Vijay Jatia,
Congratulations on assuming leadership of RC of Bombay.

Thank you for inviting me as chief guest at the first meeting.

It was a well-organised, well-attended meeting and went off well.

You have put lot of thought and have good plans for the 2018 – 19 Rotary year. TRF Contributions of $110,000 is a very good start. In PP Sandip Agarwalla you have a PP who will be an asset to you.

I am sure you will take the Rotary Club of Bombay to a greater level of Rotary service in the club’s 90th year.

Best Wishes to Gauri and you,
Dr. Bharat Pandya, RI Director Elect


Dear President Vijay,

Please accept my grateful thanks for the grace and courtesy with which you and Gauri received me yesterday at your Installation yesterday.

The meeting was very well organised. I was very happy to note that the meeting began on time and ended almost exactly as scheduled. Well Done!

Your vision and plans for 2018 – 19 were well presented and I feel very proud that as a fellow member of RC Bombay we will see another year of committed service to the Community.

You have a soft and gentle style and I could see that you connect to every one whether senior or new. This is a quality that will stand you in very good stead as you begin your year of service as President of the Club and ‘Be The Inspiration.’

As always you have my full support and if there is in any way that I can be of assistance, you know that you can count on me.

With best wishes and warm regards to Gauri and you,
Gulam Vahanvaty, Trustee (2018 – 2022) The Rotary Foundation

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