Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Rotaract  / Health & Hygiene For Salaam Baalak Children

Health & Hygiene For Salaam Baalak Children

Rotaractors of HR College (RCHR) took a session on health, hygiene, cleanliness, and yoga/fitness at Salaam Baalak’s Chowpatty centre supported by the RCB’s Child Welfare Committee.

The session included spelling revision, a Zumba session, and more on the importance of health and fitness and how to do it all in a fun way. During the game session, the kids were shown photos of objects of hygiene and asked to pair them together (e.g., toothbrush-toothpaste, soap-hands etc). The Rotaractors explained them the importance and meaning of each, and then asked them to find the pairs.

RCHR played Four Corners with the children. They named the four corners as Hygienic, Unhygienic, Calm, Angry. They told them the meanings of all the words and then gave them situations and asked them to run to a corner which represented what they would do/feel. And whenever they went to the wrong corner (e.g., angry) they would get out and the Rotaractors would explain why that was wrong. The day ended with a small meditation session and the children promised to try to be calm, not fight and always stay clean.