Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Child Welfare Committee  / A ‘Learn With Fun’ Afternoon For The Street Children Of Salaam Baalak

A ‘Learn With Fun’ Afternoon For The Street Children Of Salaam Baalak

On September 28th, 2021, 15 members of the Rotaract Club of H.R. College organised a ‘learn with fun’ afternoon for the street children of Salaam Baalak supported by RCB’s Child Welfare Committee.

Rotaractors divided the event into three segments: the first two involved questionanswer sessions whereby correct responses earned tokens to be redeemed by the children later. The first module tested their understanding of spoken English and comprehension. The second posed questions in geography, science, English and mathematics.

Put together the tokens they earned for their correct answers allowed the children to “purchase” a gift of an equivalent value.

The afternoon ended in music and dance, leaving the kids energised and happy.